Dashboard Layouts

In this section we provide you with a series of layout templates as a blueprint for your own dashboards. For this purpose we omit any unecessary functionality by implementing only the layout without any use of callbacks. We will provide templates that combine control panels and graphs as well as templates that use navigation elements like tabs or a sidebar. Finally, we will restructure these dashboards into multi page apps. We encourage you to use these templates when creating your own dashboards.

Control panels and graphs

This first section gives you two examples that combine control panels with graphs. You will find:

  • A template with control panel on the left

  • A template with control panel on the bottom

Control panel on the left

Template 1

Control panel on the bottom

Template 2

Combining navigation and control panels

The third section provides you with two examples that are combining the upper dashboards to a more complex dashboard. You will see

  • A template with control panels and navigation on the top and

  • A template with control panels and navigation on the side

Template with control panels and navigation on the top

Template 5

Template with control panels and navigation on the side

Template 6

As the code for this implementation starts to become much longer and more complex the last section will provide you with the complex dashboards built into a multipage app for a better structre.

Multipage app

The last section concludes this appendix on dashboard layouts and will wrap everything we have implemented above into a multipage app. Here, you find

  • A multipage app with navigation bar on the top and

  • A multipage app with navigation bar on the side

Below each template you find the corresponding code to incorporate into your main app.py file. The other files are the same as for both dashboards, you can download them here.

Multipage app with navigation bar on the top

Template 7

Multipage app with navigation bar on the side

Template 8